Gry Bitewne


600.00 zł

The scabrous hosts of the Skaven skitter from their subterranean lairs all across the Mortal Realms, rising up in a chittering tide. Led by a Grey Seer riding atop a clanging Screaming Bell, hordes of Clanrats and Plague Monks swarm across the battlefield, stabbing with filth-coated weapons, as the withering firepower of Stormfiends and a screeching Warlock Bombardier crackles overhead.

  • Niedostępny

Grots - Gloomspite Gitz

124.00 zł

Szczegółowy opis produktu na stronie producenta:


    Start Collecting! Gloomspite Gitz

    308.00 zł

    Do you feel the call of the Bad Moon? Burst forth from your dankholds to raid the Mortal Realms with this Start Collecting! set.
