Gry Bitewne

Waffen SS Bolt Action

145,00 zł

Tough, lavishly equipped and politically indoctrinated, SS troops formed over 38 divisions and numerous other regimental and battalion-sized units, totalling nearly a million men under arms. Their armoured units won many plaudits for their actions, and although relationships between regular army units and the Waffen-SS were sometimes strained, most SS units fought ferociously...


    SW Legion: AT-RT Unit Expansion

    110,00 zł

    First introduced by the Republic during the Clone War, the All Terrain Recon Transport, or AT-RT, has since been co-opted by the Rebel Alliance to aid their war against the Empire.

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    Anno Domini 1666 - Artbook

    89,00 zł

    Artbook liczy sobie 108 kolorowych stron i zawiera kolorowe grafiki, szkice koncepcyjne oraz rendery 3D postaci występujących w grze dzięki czemu jest doskonałym źródłem inspiracji dla osób, które chcą pomalować swoje modele.


      Panzer IV Ausf. F1/G/H Medium Tank Bolt Action

      90,00 zł

      Whilst the propaganda headlines may well have gone to the big cats such as the Panther and the Tiger, the Panzer IV was the backbone of German armoured capability throughout the war. You can choose to build your Panzer IV as one of three different variants: The short-barrelled Ausf. F1. The long-barrelled Ausf. G with its distinctive ball muzzle brake.


        Anno Domini 1666 - Bohun's Rebels (wersja polska)

        129,00 zł

        Rebelianci Bohuna pozdrawiają z szerokich ukraińskich stepów! Ci zawzięci awanturnicy przybywają do Wiednia aby zrealizować sobie tylko znane plany. Łączą w sobie dziką zaciekłość oraz dyscyplinę wojskową i zrobią wszystko, żeby osiągnąć to, czego chcą. Na wypadek gdyby konwencjonalne metody zawiodły, zabierają ze sobą własną wiedźmę...

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        SW Legion: Clone Captain Rex Commander Expansion

        60,00 zł

        Clone Captain Rex viewed military service as an honor, and his loyalty to the Republic and his Jedi Generals was absolute. Rex honed the use of twin blaster pistols into an art form, leading his fellow clones to victory on countless battlefields across the galaxy.

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        Imperial Japanese Infantry Bolt Action

        145,00 zł

        Thought of as invincible by the Allied forces in the early stages of World War II, the Japanese soldier was a brave, disciplined, often fanatical, warrior who fought to the death sometimes against overwhelming odds. Conquering all before them and carving out a vast Empire during the opening stages of the war the Imperial Japanese Army were truly a force to be reckoned with.


          Anno Domini 1666 - Moloitsy (wersja polska)

          45,00 zł

          Uzbrojeni w szable i arkebuzy mołojcy to podstawa kozackiej armii. Dobrze walczą wręcz i strzelają, jednak ich największą zaletą są zwinność i spostrzegawczość - cechy, które wielokrotnie uratowały im życie na stepach Ukrainy.

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          Chi-Ha Japanese Tank Bolt Action

          100,00 zł

          Even the emperor is pleased with what this box contains: Enough plastic components to make 1 Chi-Ha or the up gunned Type 97-Kai Shinhoto Chi-Ha

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          SW Legion: 74-Z Speeder Bikes Unit Expansion

          110,00 zł

          The howl of a 74-Z Speeder Bike racing past is not something that’s easily forgotten. The Empire commonly uses these speeder bikes for scouting and reconnaissance missions, but they can also be deployed to terrifying effect on the battlefield, where their sheer speed often prevents the enemy from taking a clean shot.

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          SW Legion: General Veers Commander Expansion

          60,00 zł

          Within the General Veers Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion, you’ll find all the materials that you need to add General Veers to your army as a commander—leading an army on his own or standing side-by-side with another Imperial commander, such as Darth Vader. 

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